lunedì 26 febbraio 2007

Camera Café (più o meno...)

Un breve excursus nelle massime da non dimenticare in quasi due anni di lavoro...

In ufficio:
Ema: "Del resto, repetita iuvant, no?"
Gra: "Ah non so, io tifo Milan"

Alla macchina del caffé:
Ema: "Dimenticavo che tu prendi il caffé americano"
Céline: "Già, a me piacciono le cose lunghe"

Voci di corridoio:
M.: "Io se potessi scegliere rinascerei ròia che l'amore è roba da coglioni!!"

La domanda di rito del lunedì:
Roby: "Ciao Manu, allora hai trombato questo weekend?"

Telefonate Mistiche:
Ema: "Pronto?"
Michele: "Ciao, mi hai riconosciuto?"
Ema: "Certo!"
Michele: "Sono il tuo spirito guida!!"

Hollywood (de noantri!):
Boss: "Allora questo film, come procede?"
William: "Benissimo!"
Ema: "Io sono l'attrice principale"
Boss: "E ha un titolo?"
Michele: "Abbiam deciso di chiamarlo "Lynda e le 4 pompe""
(nda: Lynda è il nome della macchina...e 4 sono le pompe che regolano la movimentazione dei fluidi e del sangue...non pensate subito male!!!)

Ema: "Carlo, non so niente di chimica, mi spieghi qualcosa?"
Carlo: "Certo, cominciamo da robe facili, la legge di Lewis sugli acidi e le basi"
Ema: "Ma cosa si intende per acidi e basi?"
Carlo: "Ok, a te manca proprio l'alfabeto"
(grande Oracolo!!)

A Parigi:
Patrick: "Ma non sei la ragazza di Maurizio tu?"
Ema: "Certo che no, sono solo una sua collega!"
Emmanuel: "Bene, allora ci posso provare!!"

A Parigi 2:
Ema: "Dai ragazzi, basta con questi discorsi da uomini, c'è una donna fra di voi"
Emmanuel: "Va bene, parliamo d'amore..cos'è per te l'amore?"
Ema: "Odi et amo, quare id faciam fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentior. Et excrucior"
Emmanuel "......"
Frédéric: "E' italiano?"
Ema: "No è Latino, Caio Valerio Catullo. Significa "Odio e amo, mi chiedi insistentemente come io possa farlo. Non lo so, ma mi accade. E soffro"
Emmanuel: "....."
Christophe: "Merda, le donne intelligenti sono fastidiose!!"
Frédéric: "Almeno non è bionda..."

Lezioni di vita:
Ema: "...e dire che queste cose si sanno, non doveva fare così"
Graziella: "ah noi gliel'abbiam detto, ma forse ha capito "mettiti a 90 gradi che c'è il toro dietro che arriva!"

Luca: "Oh Maurizio, stavo parlando lì, con la cosa, lì, con lei, sul discorso dei cateteri"
Ema: "Come con la cosa, con lei?? Ti ho fatto anche gli occhi dolci per non farti incazzare e non ricordi neanche il mio nome?"
Maurizio: "Vergògnati!"

Il nostro motto scacciapensieri:
Roby: "Direi che è giunto il momento del..."
Ema: "Vai Roby, deliziaci!"
Roby: "...vir' o mare quant'è beeellll', spira tant' sentimieeeeent!!"

mercoledì 21 febbraio 2007

To Isa & Paula

We were three, we knew nothing of who we were, we were in an unknown place, surrounded by unknown people, foreigners just like us, each one with a different smile, with a different vibe, a different thought hidden behind the eyes.
We knew nothing of our future, we couldn't tell what was meant to be but we were there and in a moment we felt so close. A couple of words and then tears and a hug. And oh I felt so stupid to be there with my eyes full of tears yet conscious to be sharing more than words could ever explain.
We were three, nearly 3 years ago. And I still keep that feeling, that day in Angers city hall, when they took that picture of our group, when everyone was eating and drinking and that sudden moment of sadness tied the first knot of our friendship.
And it still holds tight...


The rain hit my face
as soon as I stepped out.
I was standing alone
and I closed my eyes.
I was standing alone
while rain was pouring over me.
I was there, alone,
and I was happy.

lunedì 19 febbraio 2007


Un pianto lento
dolce e profondo,
lacrime che scavano
nell'anima mia
mentre cerca nel sonno
il ristoro dei sogni.
E nei sogni ritrovo
le mie cose perdute,
l'amore vissuto
che non potrò riamare,
la dolcezza di un bacio leggero,
labbra sfiorate,
una carezza
un Addio che brucia
come sale
sulle ferite aperte
del mio cuore.
Nel sogno rivivo
attimi svaniti
in un soffio,
nel sogno
il Tempo clemente
lascia a me l'arbitrio
per tornare
nei luoghi aviti
del mio passato.
E ancora sogno,
la gente,
i profumi,
le melodie dimenticate,
e scivolo
nella polvere dell'oblio,
fra le pagine antiche
di un'umanità
che dei suoi sogni
ha sempre vissuto.
Alchimia onirica,
a te sorrido,
a te
serena fautrice
di un mondo perfetto,
in cui dolore
e gioia
sono e saranno
la perfezione pura
del sentimento.
A te il mio sorriso
di vento e di sole,
di terra e di notte,
puro e carnale,
intenso e fatuo,
fatto di ogni cosa
e di niente.
Ascolto ancora
il silente rumore
del sogno:
struggente armonia,
suonata in eterno
da ciò che ho lasciato
fra le pieghe
del Tempo.

Ben là y a la traduction en français...
Un pleur lent
doux et profond
larmes qui creusent
dans mon âme
pendant qu’elle cherche dans le sommeil
le repos des rêves.
Et dans les rêves je retrouve
mes choses perdues,
l’amour vécu
que je ne pourrai aimer à nouveau,
la douceur d’un baiser
lèvres effleurées,
une caresse
un Adieu qui brûle
comme du sel
sur les blessures ouvertes
de mon coeur.
Dans le rêve je revie
moments disparus
dans le rêve
le Temps charitabe
me laisse l’arbitre
de retourner
dans les lieux ancestraux
de mon passé.
Et encore je rêve,
les gens,
les parfums,
les mélodies oubliées,
et je glisse
dans la poussière de l’oubli,
parmi les anciennes pages
d’une humanité
qui a toujours vécu
de ses rêves.
Alchimie onirique,
à toi je souris,
à toi
sérène fauteuse
d’un mond parfait,
dans lequel la douleur
et la joie
sont et seront
la pure perfection
d’un sentiment.
A toi mon sourire
de vent et de soleil,
de terre et de nuit,
pure et charnel,
intense et faible,
fait de toutes choses
et de rien.
J’écoute encore
la rumeur silencieuse
du rêve :
armonie bouleversante,
jouée éternellement
par ce que j’ai laissé
parmi les plies
du Temps.

I'm sorry there's no English translation here...translating a poem is something so delicate that I don't always dare doing it if I'm not in the mood of finding the proper words to express the exact same feelings I wanted to carve deep in the composition.
For my poems might not be masterpieces of works of art, but they're the essence of how I feel.
And they have to be taken seriously...

Fuir le bonheur de peur qu'il ne se sauve...

Today's such a dull day at work, boring, repetitive, last week I got this deceiving news that I can't be trained to be a specialist in the Intensive Care group. I wanted it so much, I was so happy when W. asked me if I'd have accepted it. I controlled myself, I tried to hold back the huge smile that was appearing on my face and I tried to look professional. All I said was "You know I'm not scared of moving around, I'm not scared of travelling and working hard. I'm eager to learn and to put my efforts in something I'm interested in. You know all this. On the other hand, be aware of the fact that I'm like a blank page. There's nothing written on it now but I'll make sure to fill it all and learn fast".
He was enthousiastic, so were my other colleagues. But once more my expectations were deceived. Some "superior reasons" that do not belong directly to my director but to some other not well defined powerful entity above him, decided I have to look after another project, which will be clearly made up in April. My secret spies provided me some hints, which anyway didn't satisfy me much. It seems to be more or less what I'm doing now, with some other features yet to be determined. I hope I'll travel more, hope I'll have more chances to show what I'm able to do, to show it to myself first.
I was deceived at first, because the Intensive Care business is just so extremely motivating. However, I'm unable to be sad for long. Efforts bring satisfactions, if this is not the right moment it will come later. I'm patient, happily it seems I can find reasons to be happy almost everywhere.
I can't quite understand people who deny their happiness, smother every single chance they have to grab a short moment of joy. And I can't stand people who spend most of their time complaining about what doesn't go as they wish instead of focusing on the positive sides of their lives.
I'm too stubbornly optimist, that's a fact.

Happiness hurts sometimes. The process of achieving happiness hurts, the loss of what makes us happy hurts and the plain fear of this loss hurts quite as much. Choosing to escape from happiness, is that a solution? will we suffer less? will we live more comfortably?
Or will we just live less?
I take my risks, I assume my responsibilities, I'm crazy enough to be scared of what's coming next yet to welcome this fear as the pure sign I am alive and perfectly conscient of the unknown consequences of my actions and feelings.
I live my emotions, I feel alive both in suffer and joy. My body burns and my mind can't contain all the energy and passion I've got, I'm not a passive spectator of my own life and I never will.

Isn't that a good enough reason to smile?

sabato 17 febbraio 2007


Here I am, a real geek!! I managed after a long struggle to put a playlist with some of my fave songs on this blog...
I've got the widest smile!! yuhuuu!!

Many thanks to Léo who gave me the best suggestion to succeed: "go and take a shower!!"
And right after the shower I untied the last probs that prevented me from seeing that holy playlist on the website!!!!

Merci merci!! ^^
and now enjoy the music...

martedì 13 febbraio 2007

Mystic Dialogue

Back from Lourdes, my mum brought me some gifts...
Here's the dialogue of the gifts-giving:

Mum: "Ema I've got some gifts for you"
Ema: "What is it about?"
Mum: "First, a cloth dipped in Lourdes water. Then a bottle with blessed water..."
Ema: "Oh you know I don't trust these things, why have you brought me this????"
Mum: " have to put the cloth under your mattress and the bottle, always keep it with you, against illnesses and the evil"
Ema: "But I don't believe it!"
Mum: "You HAVE to believe it!!"

qui la Silvia direbbe ALLIBEITOR!!!!!

Good moments...

Saturday was good, sooo good, spent the day in Venice with good friends, Simona and Céline, and I had the chance to meet my dearest Julia, after so long, after 2 years, it was so nice to see we didn't change at all! We also joined Simo the Witch with her bf and it was such a shame we couldn't spend more time together...SPIGU mi manchi!anche se parliamo tutti i giorni....
We had fun, a lot...despite the weather (not properly fine) and the crowd of people, despite the 1h30 long boat trip to reach Murano (which normally takes 20mins but we got the wrong boat), despite the long quest for food in Murano, which has clearly more blown glass than edible things...
A couple of pictures, thanks to everyone who was with me on Sat, italian, spanish and french ;)

Céline, Julia, Simo Witch, Ema, Simo

(down right clockwise) Julia, Jaime, Idolla, Carol, Raul, Ema, Simo, Céline

lunedì 5 febbraio 2007

Who will it be now?

A quick update of facts, I haven't been writing much. Seems like I couldn't motivate me, typing here just seemed a bit of a waste of time. Indeed, I had a lot of work. I've been working like 12 hours a day in the past 2 weeks. And this week is going to be more or less the same. And I think I'm getting ill too. It sucks...
Summing up, I had a whirl of emotions in the past 2 weeks...
I've been pissed off, satisfied, I've been extremely happy, I've been thrilled, euphoric, a climax of high feelings crawling down with exactly what I expected. So I've been sad too. Very sad.
I've also been very thoughtful though. Which prevented me from shedding too many tears. And from hurting myself too much. So the next feelings have been sorrow for what could have been and hasn't, worry and then a sudden relief, a powerful feeling of strenght. I'm ok now. I know things always happen for a reason. And this helps me cooling down.
My mind's on my friends now. It's when I feel down that I know how great it is to have their presence in my life. I feel grateful for that. The near ones and faraway ones.

Google updates for Isa: the best google search leading to my blog up to now is "ho delle belle tette" meaning "I've got beautiful tits"

Now question...
how can Google know this about me? :P haha